Navigation Bar & Bottom App Bar in Jetpack Compose with Material 3

Navigation Bar, offers a persistent and convenient way to switch between primary destinations in an app.
should contain three to fiveNavigationBarItem
s, each representing a singular destination.Bottom App Bar, displays navigation and key actions at the bottom of mobile screens. This component provides access to up to four icon buttons as well as a floating action button (FAB).
Table of Contents
Before we start, let’s understand the usage and difference between Navigation Bar
and Bottom App Bar
since they are not interchangeable, and they require different use cases.
Differences and Usage
Bottom App Bar
should be used for screens with 2 to 5 actions. It’s not Navigation Bar
and should not be used like one. FloatingActionButton
is optional, use it when you need to and don’t place it outside of the Bottom App Bar
. Bottom App Bar
is not recommended on large screens.
Navigation Bar
provide access to destinations, whereas Bottom App Bar
can contain both destination and actions. Navigation Bar
provide access to 3 to 5 destinations. It should be used for top-level destinations only. If you need more that 5 destinations, you can either use Tabs
or Navigation Drawer
, if you need less than 3 destinations, you should use Tabs
You can check my Navigation Drawer & Tabs blog,
Getting Started
First, let’s add Material 3 dependency. You can see the latest M3 versions on the Compose Material 3 releases page.
def material3_version = "1.0.1"
implementation "androidx.compose.material3:material3:$material3_version"
Optionally, if you are already using Material 2, you can follow this blog and migrate to Material 3.
Finally, we will be using navigation in Jetpack Compose, if you don’t know how it works, I recommend you check this blog before this one.
Navigation Bar
Let’s start by creating model class for NavigationBarItem
data class BottomNavItem(
val name: String,
val route: String,
val icon: ImageVector,
You can change this class according to your needs, we’ll keep it simple. We’ll use route
for navigation, name
& icon
for NavigationBarItem
Now, we can create our list of BottomNavItem
val bottomNavItems = listOf(
name = "Home",
route = "home",
icon = Icons.Rounded.Home,
name = "Create",
route = "add",
icon = Icons.Rounded.AddCircle,
name = "Settings",
route = "settings",
icon = Icons.Rounded.Settings,
That’s it. We are ready to implement Navigation Bar
In this example, we’ve used routes to check selected
, we can also use the alternative with indexes,
In both ways, our end result is the same. In the first example, we check current route
and if it is the same as item.route
, we mark it as selected. On the other hand, alternative method simply uses indexes.
That’s it!

Bottom App Bar
, the icon content of BottomAppBar. The default layout here is aRow
, so content inside will be placed horizontally.
, optional floating action button at the end of BottomAppBar.
Note: I’ve left androidx.compose.material3.
so you won’t be confused because Material 2 library also has the same composables.

Action Click from Child
Extra note, if you want to set onClick
methods from the child screen e.g. You set your Bottom App Bar
inside of MainActivity.kt
and you want to access it from different Composable Screen. You should use ViewModel,
class SharedViewModel: ViewModel() {
var actionIconOnClick = mutableStateOf({})
and, set the actionIconOnClick
from the child that you want to use,
LaunchedEffect(key1 = Unit) {
sharedViewModel.actionIconOnClick.value = {
//Your code here
Finally, call actionIconOnClick
from Bottom App Bar
Final Words,
Since the purpose of this article is to show Navigation Bar & Bottom App Bar only, we ignored design architectures, state hoisting, compose architecture etc. while implementing. I recommend you research and learn them before developing your application.